Elena Sinel
Founder Acorn Aspirations & Teens.ai

Elena Sinel is an award-winning social entrepreneur and founder of Teens In AI and Acorn Aspirations, motivated to make a difference in the world by empowering young people aged 12-18 to solve real problems through technologies: AI, VR, AR, MR and blockchain. Teens In AI is Elena’s latest initiative, spurred by her passion for AI and its ability to create a positive and lasting impact on the world. It was officially launched at the ITU’s AI For Good Global Summit. Teens in AI is Acorn Aspirations’ special initiative launched at the UN AI for Good Global Summit to democratise AI and create pipelines for underrepresented talent, thereby improving diversity and inclusion in Artificial Intelligence. We offer young people aged 12-18 early exposure to AI for social good through a combination of expert mentoring, talks, workshops in AI/ML, human-centred design and ethics, hackathons, accelerators, company tours and networking opportunities.The vision is for AI to be developed by a diverse group of thinkers and doers advancing AI for humanity’s benefit. Elena’s latest appointment as a member of the Education Task Force at All Parliamentary Group in Artificial Intelligence gives her an opportunity to influence policy in respect of AI skills in education. Prior to this, she worked as international specialist consultant with nine years of experience in poverty reduction strategies, rural livelihood development and poverty alleviation with a specific focus on creation of small and medium enterprise development, product design, marketing and fundraising in Central Asia, the Balkans, Ethiopia and Bangladesh where she worked in international organisations, including ACTED, British Council, UNDP and World Bank. Her academic background is in Politics and International Relations (BA, LSE) and Conflict, Security and Development (MA, King’s College London).